Hanen Programs

What are Hanen Programs?

Hanen programs were developed by the Hanen Organisation based in Canada and are run in over 100 countries around the world. They consist of 3 month weekly sessions (or 6 month twice monthly sessions) that teach parents how to help their children improve aspects of their communication – parents become the therapist, even long after the program has ended. Each program consists of a mix of 9 parent-only group learning sessions (with set dates) and 4 individual sessions with you and your child. The individual sessions are arranged at a time that suits you. Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of these programs in helping children develop their language and communication skills.

More Than Words Program (MTW)

The MTW program targets social communication challenges in children up to age 4 years. Some of the participating children are autistic and some are not but experience similar challenges. You can read more about this program on the Hanen Website here. This program is usually offered from 9.30-12.00 on a weekday morning from, with sessions either weekly or every 2 weeks. It is occasionally offered in the evening from 8pm-10.30pm. Morning program fees are heavily discounted.

It Takes Two To Talk (ITTT)

The ITTT program targets language enrichment in young children. You can read more about this program on the Hanen Website here. This program is occasionally offered and is usually offered from 9.30-12.00 on a weekday morning, with sessions either weekly or every 2 weeks.

Talkability (TA)

The TA program is for children aged approximately between 4 and 10 years who have much to say but experience some challenges in having conversations and playing with friends, and who would benefit from support to develop theory of mind skills. You can read about this program on the Hanen website here. This program is not currently being offered but do feel free to express your interest by emailing Carolyn.


2. Please REGISTER HERE as soon as possible (fees to increase on 1st June 2023) with your preferred upcoming free 2.5 hour Orientation / Information Zoom meeting date. Once you have registered by clicking ‘submit’ and your details have been reviewed by Carolyn, you will receive the Zoom login details for your chosen date closer to the time. Please bear in mind that if there are two separate dates offered, the information covered in the two Orientation sessions is the same each time, so opt for one date only.

3. Please save any questions you have until you attend your free Orientation meeting. If you have a specific, urgent or quick query prior to the free Information Zoom, email Carolyn at thespeechgrove@gmail.com. Otherwise please wait until your free Orientation Zoom meeting and Carolyn will endeavour to answer your questions in detail then.

4. Please note that attendance at a free Orientation Zoom meeting will not guarantee you a place on your preferred program. There is often a waiting list. However if you express an interested you will be prioritised for the next available program.