Announcing the new ‘7 Strategies’ package based on Carolyn’s upcoming book ‘A Parent’s Guide to Early Communication’!

This is a parent coaching program via Zoom, consisting of 7 sessions, lasting a minimum of one hour each, available worldwide.

The package follows the 7 strategies in the book, with each session focusing on one strategy.

This is not speech therapy with your child, instead Carolyn coaches YOU to be the best communication partner for your child. The goal is to help your child make the maximum progress in the shortest amount of time.

The strategies are based on evidence from clinical experience of recommended strategies. Carolyn has picked these strategies because they have proven to be the most successful.

Grab a useful freebie HERE and sign up to receive information on the ‘7 Strategy’ Package!

Author: Carolyn Webb

Carolyn is a Speech and Language Therapist and Author of 'A Parent's Guide To Early Communication', working independently and based in the Sandyford area of South Dublin, Ireland. Most of Carolyn's work consists of parent coaching in a supportive practical way. A parent coaching package will be available soon consisting of 7 weekly individual sessions, working through each strategy in the book 'A Parent's Guide To Early Communication'. Carolyn also runs Hanen 'More Than Words' programs on a regular basis through telepractice with families all across Ireland. The More Than Words program offered is a 3-6 month speech therapy program for parents of children up to age 4 years with social communication difficulties, including challenges interacting with others. Some participating children are not yet using words. Some are using words and language, but find it difficult to have to and fro conversations. Some of the participating children have a diagnosis of Autism, and some do not. Please visit the blog to learn more about the '7 Strategies' package and Hanen programs and click the link to register your interest in attending a free information / Orientation Zoom session.